Sunday, October 17, 2010

God unveils the secrets behind miracles taking place in the world

The next day when God switched on the television ,the news channel was beaming the news that the sea water in mahim creek had suddenely turned sweet ,the devout who offered prayers at the dargah situated closedby believed that God had blessed the water. Thousands of people had gathered at the sea shore to drink the water and carry it home because they felt that this water would relieve them of all physical and mental ailments.
When Mohammed saw the news he let out a guffaw “I pity these people who get carried away easily ,I don’t blame people who are uneducated, but I see even educated people believing in the healing prosperities of this water. ,this water is very dangerous it may give rise to many diseases”
“then why has the salty water turned sweet all of a sudden? ”,asked God
“there is a very simple scientific reason for this” ,replied Mohammed” the decline in the salinity of the sea water is the result of the excess rain water draining into the sea, besides mithi river and vihar lake contributed to the low salinity,during the low tide,the salt water in the creek recedes making way for river and lake water to drain in this contributes a great deal in reducing salinity and turning the water sweet”explained Mohmed and left for his clinic
When God opened the newspaper the next day a headline stared at Him from the paper”now Gods are drinking milk”.The news went on to say that it all started with a priest in a local temple ,He was giving God milk in the morning as was the usual practice in the temple, to his amazement the milk disappeared from the silver cup ,he ran out of the temple and told this news to all and sundry. Soon people started thronging the temple with bottles and buckets of milk to feed God milk ,not only this temple but every temple in the country was filled with people who were trying to feed milk to various Gods.
“what is happening devi?” .God questioned Goddess Laxshmi who was seated besides Him
She smiled and said,”I know as much as you my lord”.
“you keep track of every thing that goes on in this universe, then how is it you don’t know about this?”.
“it is an illusion I have created to bring people back to God.Life on earth has become cheap,every one is after another mans blood.Human life is very precious it has to be valued more then religion,race and culture,because they have forgotten God they have become vicious aznd cruel and therefore they are destroying one another and inflicting pain and suffering on themselves and on others, to stop people from going on a path of destruction I had no alternative but to perform these miracles to bring them back to the path of spirituality” ,said Goddess Laxshmi
Just then Harry called God on the mobile ”have you witnessed the miracles, do you believe in them?
“some things are beyond our understanding, we cannot understand these things with human minds ,but with spiritual minds, if you will try to understand with a human mind you will try to find a scientific reason for this ,but if you will see this with a spiritual mind you will understand that this is a miracle performed by God to bring back man to His fold, When people start believing in God, they stop believing in racial discrimination and will believe in one God regardless of race and color and will be rid of racial and national prejudice and this will lead to peace and plenty ”,said God
“I am going personally to feed God milk, will you come with me?”,
“why don’t you believe what your eyes are seeing? ”.asked God
“I do believe but I want to experience the miracle myself .was Harry’s reply
John took the mobile from Harry and said,”I and Mohammed would have also loved to come with you ,but we belong to different communities therefore we will not be allowed inside the temple”
“no church ,temple or mosque is greater then man ,a temple which is built by some one whose mind is not a temple itself , can not be a place where God dwells one who has not experienced God within ,can never find God outside, a real temple of God is first built in the mind and then with brick and mortar .God is not a private property of any one, He cannot be confined, He is omnipresent and every one irrespective of caste and creed can go to any place of worship and worship Him. A temple or a mosque which differentiates between Gods creation has no God dwelling within” .They all went to a nearby temple of Goddess Laxshmi and fed milk to the diety ,when God held the cup of milk to the Goddesses lips, she drank the whole milk in a jiffy .”my lord I am truly blessed since you have fed me milk ,it is better then the nector you get in heaven, bless me my lord so that I am always close to you”,said Goddess Laxshmi
“devi you can never be separated from me without you I am incomplete ”,replied God tenderly
“I don’t believe in miracles ”,said Mohammed”I am die hard atheist, but this miracle has convinced me that there is some one up there listening to us ,this was awe inspiring ,this makes me believe in my creator and this is what life is all about”
“I too was a born atheist” ,said John ”but now I have started believing in God .this is a beautiful temple where all is in harmony. The bells ringing ,the burning of incense ,the resonance of different voices singing in tune with each other ,heaven could not be a better place”
The priest came and stood before them and showered flowers on them, when the eyes of the priest met those of God, he felt truly blessed, the love of God seeped through him and he felt that some how he had come face to face with God and his heart sang in happiness

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