God saves a goat from being slaughtered
Since Bakri idd was only a few days away Dr Mohammed decided to buy the best goat available, he proceeded to a mandi and purchased a handsome white goat .The goat was pompous and arrogant, everything common place was below him and the lesser creatures in the school like stray cats and dogs were not worth his attention. Whenever any of them crossed his path, he would walk away with the toss of his head. Every day he was taken for a walk in the garden by a special attendant which was appointed for him. The lesser creatures were viewed with disdain “ugh”, he would think to himself, “look at these creatures eating from a smelly dustbin and drinking from dirty puddles “, thinking about his lavish meals consisting of a luscious variety of fruits and vegetables. God himself fed him with his own hands and soon he had become the favorite of every one in the school On the day of the festival Mohammed bathed himself and after donning crisp, perfumed clothes went to the idgah to perform the morning namaz.When he returned the local butcher was waiting for him with a cruel looking knife ready to sacrifice the goat .,the goat was bedecked in all the finery and as he looked at the knife a shiver ran through his body, he started pespiring and his throat went dry, somehow he felt this was his last day on earth. Mohammed called God and all the inmates to witness the sacred ceremony. The goat looked at God with pleading eyes, somehow the goat felt He was the one who could save him from his cruel fate, ”what are you doing Mohammed you are killing an innocent dumb creature to appease God, God can never be happy with flesh and blood of bullocks, rams, lambs, goats or other beasts, he will never accept the prayers of people whose hands are stained with the blood of these innocent creatures. God loves all his creation equally wether he is a man, beast or a bird, then how can He accept flesh and blood as offerings at His alter?”, asked God”
“you are absolutely right” said Najma” we should not offer these dumb and helpless creatures as offerings, instead we should burn our bad habits like anger, pride, hatred and greed and offer them to the creator and become kind, good and peace loving so that we become worthy of His love.
“you pray to God for mercy, love and justice and yet torture and kill His other creations. All creation is His children and He is considered the supreme father. A father may have many children some intelligent and some not, some clever and some not so clever and some completely dumb but that does not mean that He will allow His less intelligent and dumb children to be killed and devoured by the more intelligent ones. He does not sanction the killing of winged creatures, mammals and animals, He has given for every man and beast on earth, every fowl of air and every thing which creeps upon earth and every where, where there is life herbs, fruits, grains, vegetables and nuts to eat and nourish themselves, but he has not provided anyone with flesh to eat. He who kills any living being brings upon himself Gods wrath for not only humans but He has endowed all the living creatures with mental powers and with senses, passions, appetites, memories and judgments”, said God
“from now on we will cease to sacrifice living beings for the satisfaction of our bodily needs, instead we will celebrate this great festival with the other wonderous foods God has created for us”, said Mohammed then he asked the butcher to leave and gave orders to the cook to prepare special spread of vegetarian fare.The goat was so over come with emotion on seeing the butcher leave that he went and wound himself around Gods legs.
God bent down and patted his back lovingly which conveyed to him that from now on he need not worry for himself, God was there to take care of him
God was happily preoccupied with the day to day running of the school, but at the back of His mind He had a strong urge to revisit the Andaman and Nicobar islands,when He had left, He had a feeling that no human could clean up the mess, if some one had to tidy up where would they start, everything lay in ruins , nature had wiped out every thing with one swipe. After three months of dithering, God was once again on the launch which took Him to His destination. The sea looked calm and beautiful, the azure water lapped at the shore and the sand shone in the sun like molten gold. The undulating land was dotted with ruiens which were over grown with roots of trees, there were deers grazing peacefully nearby, The remnants of the great disaster could be seen in the ruiens of hospitals, houses, schools and specially the church high up on the hillock, there was the pew,the cross all intact but without a roof , God went back in time and He could see the priest giving his Sunday sermon, the people busy cooking their Sunday meals, some playing others swimming. He walked further inside and saw men busily occupied with cleaning and mending the devastated village, He came to know that for many days following the disaster no one could think of lighting a fire in their homes, there was no home, no desire to eat and live, but no man can go hungry and thirsty for long the will to survive is inbuilt in all the living creatures, therefore everyone tried to forget their grief and started rebuilding their lives.Many still hankered after their old lives, everyone wanted everything they had lost-the smiling husbands, the naughty children. Everyone taught himself to live all over again and to build his life over the ashes of his life.
Many men and women came forwards as volunteers to help people who had lost every thing their house ,their families they trained orphans and homeless with diffeent types of work so that they would earn, live and eat People were divided into small groups some were taught to mend fishing nets, others were taught to stitch, make toys and other handicrafts. Each group had a teacher who taught them the skills needed to survive. Not only able bodied but people who had been disabled were also being taught. The blind were being taught to sing, dance, stitch and cook, God could see that these sightless people were enjoying the appreciation they were getting for learning the skill. Some people who had lost their limbs were moving around on crutches helping people to mend their houses. A woman who had broken her hip bone was going around in a wheel chair teaching men the art of painting with their feet since they had lost both their arms in the disaster What He saw was most amazing –the spirit of survival was so strong that they had over come all odds, on every side a human being was surrounded by disease, death and disaster , at every moment he had to face uncertainity and calamity but he had the courage and the confidance to survive each disaster, He rose like a phoenix from his ashes braver and stronger ,He felt very pleased and honored to have created the human race, quietly He bowed down to the mans courage and bravery, truly man was a miracle of His creation.
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