God leaves the earth and returns to heaven
When God reached His heavenly abode, he was surrounded by all the denizens of heaven who were eager to know about His experiences on earth,” the earth is full of strife, violence and terror”, said God, “when I created the world I thought all my creations will happily and peacefully live together, but what I saw was really very saddening, everyone is at each others throat and each one is trying to eradicate other forms of life from the earth. The world has fallen apart due to regular wars, bomb blasts and grenade attacks, besides this destruction carried out by humans on one hand , on the other hand-there is nature which is adding to men’s woes’ They are subjected to regular storms, floods, earthquakes and dreadful diseases which makes it extremely difficult for the man to survive”
Everyone listened to Him in stunned disbelief,” terrorism and terrorists have made life very difficult on the earth”, said God
“and who are these terrorists?’ asked one of the devatas
“terrorists are the greatest enemies of mankind, they want to undo what I have done, by destroying all that I have created with so much love and attention”,
“what is the objective of these terrorists what do they gain by the destruction they have unleashed upon the earth?”, questioned another devta
“terrorists are a religious group owing alliance to a religion which preaches love and brotherhood of man, they want to propagate the supremacy of their religion on earth and they use fear and violence to make people who do not believe in their religion to bow down to their religion, they bomb planes, trains, buildings to get the world to listen to their arm twisting methods”, replied God
“why don’t people come together and annihilate the terrorism and terrorists from the face of this earth?”, asked a devi
“on their own”, they can achieve nothing ,replied God” they need the help of their rulers, but there is unholy nexious between the terrorist and the rulers, most of the politicians are corrupt, they are fed by the terrorist to give them way to carry on with their obnoxious deeds. The rulers are always a privileged lot-at the personal level they are responsible for their own deeds and at the social level they are responsible for their citizens, birds, cattle, wild life,forests, hill, mountains and rivers. Since they represent the societies collective mandate, their duty is to maintain law and order both amongst their subjects and amongst forces of nature,. But the rulers have deviated from their path of duty and have joined forces with evil, the people watch helplessly ,they are living in conditions where their security is always threatened, the rulers have failed them completely ,people are living in inhuman conditions ,they live like corpses tightly wrapped in shrouds they have failed to alleviate poverty which is a cancer eating into everyone’s soul ,with fires burning In their bellies man has lost his discretion of right and wrong and therefore most of the recruits are found amongst them by the terrorist, to appease their hunger these people are willing to go to any extent-even to kill,maim and destroy their fellow human beings Believe me hunger is the worst experience you can get on earth, man can survive with out every thing but not without food, I have experienced the hunger pangs therefore I know how difficult it is to live with hunger”, God was quiet for some time, then He continued, in a sad tone” I had created this world with all its bounties for everyone of my creation to enjoy, but I am sorry to say, a few have usurped everything and thrown the rest in abysmal conditions”,
“then why don’t you take birth again to destroy the evil and bring forth peace and happiness on earth”. Questioned Lord Shiva
“you had promised the humans that you will take birth again in the age of kali, the kali age has arrived, people are waiting for you eagerly to deliver them from evil, why don’t you take birth now since the world is reeling under evil and destructive forces?”,Lord Brahma demanded to know
“He can not take birth now”, replied Goddess Laxshmi,”people have to wait for another thousand years for Him to take birth “
“till then how will the human beings endure so much sufferings, chaos and disorder?”, asked Lord Shiva
“the human race can survive for trillions and millions of years, they have amazing resilience in the face of tragedy because they have learnt to deal with all types of calamities both man made and brought about by nature, they have braved it all, after every calamity they fall on their face, but they get up again slowly limping with great pain but with renewed energy they restart again from where they had left they start running against time to reach their goal, they run, run and run like one possessed to reach and catch in their hands their elusive goals but most of the time , time runs faster then them and before they reach their goals , they are engulfed by baffling storms and dark clouds but unafraid of these dark forces , they forge ahead followed by these forces with a vengeance which throws them off their balance, again man gets up and fights these forces stubbornly and ultimately he wins and moves on undettered to his goal, nothing, nothing can break his spirit - no wars, no bombs, no storns, no typhoons, no earthquackes, no dreadful disease this to me is known as the great art of survival and till there is earth man will survive it is my promise to all of you “,said God and everyone present cheered God and His multiple creation
God leaves the earth and returns to heaven
When God reached His heavenly abode, he was surrounded by all the denizens of heaven who were eager to know about His experiences on earth,” the earth is full of strife, violence and terror”, said God, “when I created the world I thought all my creations will happily and peacefully live together, but what I saw was really very saddening, everyone is at each others throat and each one is trying to eradicate other forms of life from the earth. The world has fallen apart due to regular wars, bomb blasts and grenade attacks, besides this destruction carried out by humans on one hand , on the other hand-there is nature which is adding to men’s woes’ They are subjected to regular storms, floods, earthquakes and dreadful diseases which makes it extremely difficult for the man to survive”
Everyone listened to Him in stunned disbelief,” terrorism and terrorists have made life very difficult on the earth”, said God
“and who are these terrorists?’ asked one of the devatas
“terrorists are the greatest enemies of mankind, they want to undo what I have done, by destroying all that I have created with so much love and attention”,
“what is the objective of these terrorists what do they gain by the destruction they have unleashed upon the earth?”, questioned another devta
“terrorists are a religious group owing alliance to various every religion wants to propagate the superiority of their religion on earth and they use fear and violence to make people who do not believe in their religion to bow down to their religion, they bomb planes, trains, buildings to get the world to listen to their arm twisting methods”, replied God
“why don’t people come together and annihilate the terrorism and terrorists from the face of this earth?”, asked a devi
“on their own”, they can achieve nothing ,replied God” they need the help of their rulers, but there is unholy nexious between the terrorist and the rulers, most of the politicians are corrupt, they are fed by the terrorist to give them way to carry on with their obnoxious deeds. The rulers are always a privileged lot-at the personal level they are responsible for their own deeds and at the social level they are responsible for their citizens, birds, cattle, wild life,forests, hill, mountains and rivers. Since they represent the societies collective mandate, their duty is to maintain law and order both amongst their subjects and amongst forces of nature,. But the rulers have deviated from their path of duty and have joined forces with evil, the people watch helplessly ,they are living in conditions where their security is always threatened, the rulers have failed them completely ,people are living in inhuman conditions ,they live like corpses tightly wrapped in shrouds they have failed to alleviate poverty which is a cancer eating into everyone’s soul ,with fires burning In their bellies man has lost his discretion of right and wrong and therefore most of the recruits are found amongst them by the terrorist, to appease their hunger these people are willing to go to any extent-even to kill,maim and destroy their fellow human beings Believe me hunger is the worst experience you can get on earth, man can survive with out every thing but not without food, I have experienced the hunger pangs therefore I know how difficult it is to live with hunger”, God was quiet for some time, then He continued, in a sad tone” I had created this world with all its bounties for everyone of my creation to enjoy, but I am sorry to say, a few have usurped everything and thrown the rest in abysmal conditions”,
“then why don’t you take birth again to destroy the evil and bring forth peace and happiness on earth”. Questioned Lord Shiva
“you had promised the humans that you will take birth again in the age of kali, the kali age has arrived, people are waiting for you eagerly to deliver them from evil, why don’t you take birth now since the world is reeling under evil and destructive forces?”,Lord Brahma demanded to know
“He can not take birth now”, replied Goddess Laxshmi,”people have to wait for another thousand years for Him to take birth “
“till then how will the human beings endure so much sufferings, chaos and disorder?”, asked Lord Shiva
“the human race can survive for trillions and millions of years, they have amazing resilience in the face of tragedy because they have learnt to deal with all types of calamities both man made and brought about by nature, they have braved it all, after every calamity they fall on their face, but they get up again slowly limping with great pain but with renewed energy they restart again from where they had left they start running against time to reach their goal, they run, run and run like one possessed to reach and catch in their hands their elusive goals but most of the time , time runs faster then them and before they reach their goals , they are engulfed by baffling storms and dark clouds but unafraid of these dark forces , they forge ahead followed by these forces with a vengeance which throws them off their balance, again man gets up and fights these forces stubbornly and ultimately he wins and moves on undettered to his goal, nothing, nothing can break his spirit - no wars, no bombs, no storns, no typhoons, no earthquackes, no dreadful disease this to me is known as the great art of survival and till there is earth man will survive it is my promise to all of you “,said God and everyone present cheered God and His multiple creation
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