Wednesday, October 20, 2010

On completion of one year the school holds a big celebrations

Soon the school completed one year, it seemed only yesterday that God had built the school .,to celebrate the event ,a big celebration was organized ,God kept a special event where the students were asked to write to God and ask any questions they wanted to ask .a special letter box was hung at the entrance where the students could drop their letters ,on the annual day, God invited all the students and their parents ,because the questions which were asked were so sweet and innocent that He wanted to share them with every one, He opened the letter box and read out the questions ,He called the meeting of all the students and their parents and one by one He opened the letter and gave the answers

“dear God my parents say that you are the creator of light, but my teacher says that a man by the name of Thomas Edison made light, so I bet he stole your idea am I right” ,wrote a small boy of second standard.
“everything in this world is created by God, all the things materialize from cosmic energy created from cosmic consciousness of God ,Thomas Edison was sent on this earth by God and he was given the know how to create light so that his children came out of the dark into light”. was Gods reply

“dear God my parents are always disappointed nothing good seems to come their way why don’t you help them?” ,asked a student of fourth standard
“every living being has to deal with disappointments and therefore they must learn to over come them by being persistant in removing the obstacles which come their way and slowly with determination they are bound to over come them”,was Gods reply

“nobody helps me in class when ever I need help,why so God?”.this question was asked by a student of ninth standard
“in times of need you can ask for help but you should not expect it,it is alright if your class mate can help you,otherwise you should figure out yourself,you are no ones responsibility, if you remember this you will never feel disappointed in your life”,said God,

“dear God why is everyone so unhappy,everyone is yelling at each other and making a mess of their own lives and everyone elses lives ,asked a third standard student
“this is because every one wants to be successful within no time ,no one wants to work towards success and achieve it slowly and gradually, this leads to disappointment which gives birth to anger ,violence and hatred, these negative feelings are very harmful which can lead to disease and death ,therefore every man should be happy with what he has got he should develop inner harmony with yoga and meditation”

“dear God a boy living in my neighborhood always picks up a fight with me. what should I do to avoid it?” ,asked a boy of second standard
“if some one stamps on your toes ,your natural reaction would be to give him a few choicest abuses ,but you must always go for peaceful alternative, yelling and shouting in retaliation are negative feelings which cause harmful imbalance in the body giving rise to harmful disease, always remain cool and collected no matter what the provocation., when one is full of hatred and he approaches another with hatred he can influence and fill his heart too with hatred,but if you approach some one with pure and sincere love without any desire and selfishness then even your bitterest enemy will be forced to reflect nothing but love for you”,was Gods answer,

“dear God there is no joy and happiness in the world,why is it so?”,asked a tenth standard student
“it is in a mans hand to be joyful or miserable,people who choose happiness over unhappiness does not mean that everything in their lives is perfect and they donot encounter obstacles in their day to day lives,the joyful ,happy and contented men have a healthy mental and physical life ,the body is like a chemical factory every emotion is translated by the body into chemicals that have measurable observable affects on the body ,if you are happy then you lead a joyful life, if you are unhappy you lead a miserable life that is law of life

“dear God I bet it must be very hard for you to love every one on this earth, there are only
Four people in my family but I am finding it very difficulty in loving them all” ,asked a student of fifth standard
“the world does not know the true meaning of love ,love has been so abused and crucified by men ,that very few people know what true love is, just as oil is present in every part of the olive ,so love permeates every part of the creation, just as you can not describe the flavor of olive with out tasting it ,in the same way you can not describe the love of God Gods love exists in every heart of everyone of His creations when they are born, but most of them lose it as they grow up because they donot know how to cultivate the divine love ,a particle of divine love is so great ,so overpowering that you get intoxicating happiness on receiving it ,to experience this you have to return His love with love ,compassion ,sacrifice and humility.

“I pray regularly before going to bed, but God never answers my prayers?” ,asked a little boy of first standard
‘God answers prayers of every one but some times you donot understand how your prayers are being answered or you donot recognize the answer when you get it ,some times you get the answer from within the pages of holy books, it is for you to recognize and follow the answers and act upon Gods advise, some times when you are saying your daily prayers the answer strikes you in your heart ,some times the answers come in your dreams,
God in his eternal wisdom some times says no for an answer because He knows what is best for us and some times He asks us to wait for a while ,His timing is always the best timing and we should always say Thy will ,will be done. If you seek His help. He will only help you if you are leading an honest ,moral and a clean life”

“dear God I love to do charity ,I love to help children who beg on the streets ,please will you ask my parents to give me extra pocket money for them?”,
Everyone should do charity ,worlds resources are for everyone to enjoy, but due to his karmas some get bigger share and some get smaller share, but if you are bestowed with fortunes blessings then you should give at least twenty-five percent of what you earn to people who are less fortunate then you ,if you give then this opens the door to receiving ,the practice of the law of prosperity is as old as civilization ,the ancients knew that giving and putting God first and performing sacrifices in His name was the first step towards prosperity ,you must always thank God for His generous bounty and remember the more you will give to the needy the more you will receive ,but charity need not be expressed with money only ,charity can be helping some one in times of need like teaching some one less clever in studies, speaking kindly and bringing a smile to a sad face”

“dear God many thanks for passing me in my examinations but I don’t have the money to make an offering to you which I had promised to you, will you now get angry with me?”, asked a student of fifth standard
“God loves every body and He never gets angry with any body, neither is He interested in the quantity or quality of the offerings you make to Him, if with love you offer God a simple flower ,a leaf or even a drop of water ,He will accept it with joy ,but a person who makes an exhibition of his offering by offering huge sums to Him in order to make a vulgar display of his wealth and to buy fame that offering is not acceptable to God”

“dear God instead of letting people die and having to make new ones, why don’t you keep the ones you already have” ,asked a student of seventh standard
“in that case the world would staganate,there would be no new scientific discoveries,no new medical inventions,the people would thrust down on each other their old rusty ideas,the father would try to make his son live with his ancient ideas ,his son in turn would ask his son to follow suit ,ultimately they would all grow old and sick and be a burden on each other,the world would be full doddering old and sick men ,there would be no happiness and joy because they would get bored, tired and sick of their bodies and would want to die ,therefore in His great wisdom God decided to remove the older generation and in their place bring forth young men who would carry this world forward with their fresh and new ideas”

“dear God you are whole day busy looking after this world don’t you ever feel tired, don’t you ever feel like taking a vacation ”,asked a eighth standard student
“dear child if God were to take a vacation then the full world would go topsey turvey,the sun would not come out in time and neither would the moon,the stars would forget to shine in the sky and the ocean would stop making waves,there would be chaos throughout the world and disaster would attack every body and everything,the world which God has created with so much love and attention to the tiniestb detail will lie ruiened at His feet”

“dear God why are there so many bad people in the world?”asked a seventh standard student
“during the prenatal period-----that is the nine months between the conception and the birth—a human being is more susceptible to his environment then he will ever be again in his life.What happens to him then,can help him in his development or it can hinder him,it can promote his growth or it can hinder it.The events that take place before his birth and his reactions to them will influence him for the rest of his life,when he is twenty,forty or sixty there will always be aspects of his body or his mind,or his emotions that will be traceable directly to the influences that had acted upon him before he had taken birth,
Generally speaking parents who watch murder,rape,robbery on the television regularly during pregnancy is a positive crime because children conceived in such environments often get these traits in them.Therefore inorder to get good and healthy children into this world parents should not watch vulgar or bad programmes,should practice self restraint,discipline and have high moral standards.The coming together of husband and wife is the greatest prayer between a man and a woman,a prayer that will bring forth another soul fraught with tremendous power for doing good,but the children who are born amidst curses and quarrels what can be expected of such children except evil tendencies”,was the reply of God.
After God finished reading the letters,there was a thunderous applause people could not believe that it was an ordinary school principal speaking to them,each word which fell from His mouth looked like Gods command ,the words were so full of wisdom and based on reason and so perfect that every word sunk into their hearts and they all decided to follow Him”
“but will God forgive us for all the sins we have committed against the dalits?”,asked a Thahur
“God gives unconditional love to everyone said God,”He forgives His children no matter what sins they have committed ,He is not a tyrant He knows very well that He has put you in this world which is full of delusion ,He knows your troubles, your struggles, Man only increases the inner darkness of his spiritual ignorance when he thinks of himself as a sinner, it is better for him to try and correct himself appealing to the Divine Creator for guidance ,love and forgiveness and in His infinite love He is sure to forgive you”,
The annual day function went without a hitch and every one was happy with the outcome

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