Sunday, October 17, 2010

God gives a sermon

At lunch a few days later ,Dr Mohammed announced “it is my birthday tomarrow”,
“very good” ,said God ,”then let’s celebrate”
“I am celebrating my birthday with your spiritual discourse ,I have invited all my friends to listen to your sermon
“my sermon? ”,asked God
“of course your sermon because all my friends are urgently in need of a spiritual teacher, out worldly they seem happy ,but inwardly they are completely broken up, you must help them
“anything for you my friend” ,replied God
The day of Mohammed’s birthday dawned bright and clear ,from morning John ,Harry and Mohammed cleaned and decorated the house ,God was not allowed to help because He was made the guest of honor ,everyone trooped in slowly dressed in their Sunday best ,perfumed and painted .Some came out of curiosity ,some apprehensively because they were diehard atheists. The air was perfumed with sweetness because of the aromatic candles ,more then the physical it was the spiritual atmosphere which appealed to all who had come. Everyone was seated on a carpet facing God. Gods face glowed like the light of a thousand moons, His eyes were full of knowledge shining like the fresh morning dew ,the feeling He generated was of reverence and everyone present was over flowing with respect for Him.
“all of you have fame, fortune and power but these do not give happiness because all these are external objects related to the world ,true happiness is internal and related to the spirit ,you may fill your lives with all the pleasures of the world but this will not give you happiness since there is a lot of difference between happiness and pleasure ,pleasure is related to the senses and not abiding, but happiness springs from the heart and soul and is always abiding. Since material things never provide happiness therefore you should try to awaken your spiritual senses wherein lies the true happiness of mankind.
Many of us donor know how to find happiness. we think if he get a bigger house, plane or a car we will be happy and then keeping these things in our lives becomes the main aim of our lives .Our unhappiness starts when with our material things backing us we try to get social approval, we stand before the mirror to make sure about our beautiful appearance ,but the mirror reflects only our outer appearance, it does not show us the inner self, outer appearances are always deceptive. You should always try to improve your inner self if you want to gain outer beauty ,a beautiful soul is always reflected in a beautiful body, your soul contains the divine core which flows out in a stream of peace and tranquility from your heart, this beauty is eternal, God only recognizes the internal beauty when you activate the divine beauty within you, you will also see it in your fellow beings you will then make no difference between rich and poor ,today you want to move in the society of only upper crust people, but when the divine spark is activated within you, your thoughts ,words and desires will undergo a drastic change and you will become charming ,calm, cheerful and happy an epitome of care ,compassion and tenderness, this will take you away from the consciousness of the body which had enslaved you, then the realization will dawn upon you that God is within you and once you feel His presence in your heart, your senses will burst with a mighty irresistible power and you will feel His holiness and His presence enveloping your complete being and this is the heaven you have been searching for all your life ,said God

“respected Sir there are constant series of devastating disasters, terrorists attacks between different religions and different castes threat of earthquakes, sunamies storms and virulent diseases,these things affect every ones equilibrium how do we handle all this”, asked a young woman

“you can over come these problems if you stop being self centered and selfish ,each one of you should try to change other peoples mind set and behavior so that each one is grounded in a culture of peace, a transformation in the inner life of even a single individual can bring out similar changes in other individual as this change extends into society it generates a powerful feeling of peace in every human heart .The collective endeavor of every human towards peace can bring about peace in the nation .When a stone is thrown into a pond ,the ripples travel widely from its centre ,though whilst traveling they might lose some of their power but they do not completely disappear ,in the same way each one of us can create ripples of peace amongst their family, friends and acquaintances and this will spread to more and more people and ultimately you will win your war against terrorism it is a long and lengthy process but this is the only way left to create mutual love, understanding and friendship between different people”
“you sir are teaching us the right path of advancement, but this path is not easy to follow when from all the sides you are surrounded by evil .People are killing, deceiving and robbing one another, parents are murdering their children and children are murdering their parents, the husbands are killing their wives and wives are killing their husbands ,the world is full of evil and in this evil atmosphere when all the time you are tempted by the devil it is not easy to walk the path leading towards heaven” ,said the young woman’s husband.

“the battle between God and the devil is intensify day by day, the devil sides the evil and God sides the pure and the sincere human beings, every one has to decide for himself wether he wants heaven or hell, if your intentions are sincere then slowly but surely you will advance and reach heaven,in the beginning you will find it very difficult to go on a path of righteousness it will bring much pain to you,but remember when smelted again and again gold becomes more and more pure,when cut into pieces the sugar cane continues to become sweeter when rubbed repeatedly the sandlewood continues to diffuse its fragrance,in the same way with repeated attempts God will reach you to heaven not only after death,but will provide you with heavenely comforts even when you are living”,said God

“every one is suffering his own hell ,everyone is confused because no one wants to live an ordinary life,all want to be great to live amongst the clouds and to dance with the stars, they are hankering after the very best things in life no one is satisfied with having a place under the sun all are interested in getting his place amongst the giants to taste power” ,said John
“when there is too much dissatisfaction in life people become interested in reclaiming the brilliant and wonderful parts of themselves ,but the way of spiritual discipline is like that of a sailing ship ,the ship must face a number of hurdles in its part before it reaches the port ,in the same way a person has to overcome all ordeals that will come his way, there will be much darkness in his path like distress ,misfortune and sickness. But you have to march forward undeterred ,there are two options before you-either you curse the darkness or you can light a candle and disperse the darkness surrounding you, if you become attuned to God ,He will protect you from disasters and sufferings and put light into your life” .said God

“But how many have the courage and the confidence to walk on the path of righteousness?, asked Harry”

“ all the men are born pure and good, but as they grow up they loose connection with themselves, God wanted men to live joyful, exciting and rich lives full of love, peace and beauty, happiness is the birth right of every living being, but men through their wrong thoughts, words and deeds create unhappiness for themselves and others ”,replied God

All sat there drinking in every word God spoke ,after the sermon .God gave each one of them a necklace of hundred and one sandlewood beads ,He taught them how to slide one bead at a time up the string and chant the name of God for each bead ,they were asked to chant sixty-four rounds of beads each day. The gathering accepted God as their spiritual guru and accepted His suggestions to walk on a path of spirituality.. Then the arati started, every one stood up for the arati a hush descended all around as God waved the lighted arati before God singing songs in praise of the almighty,when arati was over,He sprinkled rose water and rose petals over the gathering,then Mohammed invited everyone to partake of parsad,all sat down again and delicious vegetarian fare was served to everyone over banana leaves.,everyone agreed that it was one of the best days in their lives .Mohammed was extremely happy with the feed back of the gathering ,he felt truly blessed for having God as his guest ,it was awe inspiring the way He delivered His sermons to these materialistic people who had suddenely developed a change of heart, his home had turned into a house of God because He had made all of them think, all of them believe that all men were part of one big human family ,the few words God spoke ,the few thoughts He exchanged gave them all unlimited strength, help and love

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