Wednesday, October 20, 2010

God tries to give life to a greviously injured man but fails in His endeavor

After the incident when God witnessed the killing of an innocent snake ,He kept tossing and turning in His bed ,the horrible sight repeating itself near His eyes, therefore before the break of dawn, He got up, made himself a nice hot cup of tea and switched on the television, Goddess Laxshmi appeared before Him and said.” again the same old tea, how many times in a day do you drink tea my lord”
“may be five times or even more, I do not keep count, any time is tea time for me”,said God.
“you are drinking too much tea ,this might harm your health ”,said the Goddess in a voice full of concern
“why don’t you have a sip devi ,you will forget your amrit ”,invited God extending His cup to her
“no thanks,you enjoy your cup,and by the way what are you watching on the TV”
“I am seeing a report where a man killed his own brother and the man invited his death himself by purchasing the gun and gifting the gun to his brother and the brother used the very same gun to pump bullets in his body”,said God
“why has life become so complicated on this earth?”.questioned the Goddess
“on this earth life should be lived from day to day,no one should analyse it,analyzing it makes it more complicated,every mans today is tomarrow that he worried about yesterday,now take the example of the man who was killed,an astrologer told him that his stars did not augur well for him and that there was a threat to his life,he became worried and he started wearing a bullet-proof vest whenever he stepped out,he was always worried some one will take a snipe at him and therefore he never ventured out much,but death appeared within his house in the form of his own sibling”,said God
“the time of your death has already been written by Yogmaya according to your karmas therefore you can not escape it,even if you hide at the bottom of the ocean,death will find you and claim you”,said the Goddess she sat quietly for a while watching the news on the tv ,then she continued
“he suffered a lot my lord,for twelve days he underwent untold sufferings,the doctors knew that he was a hopeless case from the day first,but they kept on meddling with his organs instead of letting him die in peace”.
“he would have died on the day he was shot”,said Yogmaya making a sudden appearance,”but God did not allow it to happen,”Yogmaya said in a complaining voice
“again you intervened between her and the dying man my lord”,asked the Goddess in accusing voice
“I did, but I couldn’t help it,people were praying desperately in temples,churches and mosques for the mans recovery ,I did not want them to feel that their prayers were not being heard therefore I was trying to mend his organs which were destroyed in the firing””replied God in a sheepish voice
“but you did not succeed”,said the mother Goddess
“no I did not succeed,it is a shame he died,he was a good and ac capable man highly kinowledgable ,very intelligent,very capable and had a great vision”,said God in sad voice
“there is always a replacement for everyone,he must have been a great and a good man but there is always some one else to replace him who can be good if not better then him,besides he himself was very happy to leave his body,because he did not want to live in a wasted body,nobody likes to stay in a broken down house,then how will a soul like to stay and suffer in a broken body ,very soon he will be reborn in a new body and then he will carry forward his unfinished work in his new birth which he had left undone”,said the Goddess
“why did the man have to die at the hands of his own brother whom he loved like his own son? God questioned Yogmaya
“he killed his brother for money”,said Yogmaya
“,till today I have not been able to fathom how man has got so much hatred,selfishness,misery locked in his heart,it is all your fault “,He said looking at Yogmaya accusingly” you write their destiny don’t you?”
“I write their destiny nodoubt my lord,but it is based on their own karmas,in his previous birth the slain man had killed his brother,therefore in this birth the brother took his revenge and this circle of revenge will continue till eternity, unless one of them sees reason and forgives the other for the wrongs he has committed against him”,replied Yogmaya
“do you mean to say that all this mindless killings,tortures and abuses are done as an act of revenge which the human beings are bringing with themselves from birth to birth?”,asked God
“you are right my lord”,said Yogmaya
“what is the remedy how do we free humans from the clutches of this sinful life?”,asked God
“we can not help any human being,the individual himself should recognize the futility of a lascivious life and should himself aspire to move higher up on the ladder of evolution,he should subdue the cravings of his mind and should stop hearing the calls and apetities of the grosser outer world which is the root cause of sin in man” Yogmaya answered ,she was quiet for a moment before continuing,”he is a sinful man in whom the cravings of his body makes the heaviest calls on him,and his body enslaves his mind and all his life is spent in satisfying each of his sensuous desires such a passionate animal life leaves gross impressions on his mind and these impressions decicide the flow of his thoughts,as the thoughts so the actions and the actions deepen the vasnas.To break the vasna-thought-action chain he should start a life of meritorious actions where every thought,every action is dedicated to the divine,by doing this all his negativities are rubbed off from his soul and he starts a virtous life full of peace and happiness,but my lord it takes trillions of years for an organism to evolve from one given form of existence into a higher form of life and therefore it is quite clear that it will take an indefinitely long number of births in different manifestations for a human being to scrape off all the hatred from his soul and become a perfect human being,and unless man can evolve into a perfrct and a good human being till then there will be suicide bombings,assassinations,senseless killings,kidnapping,torture and massacre”
“she is right my lord”,said the Goddess”you can not change a man in a day,it will take many light years for a man to evolve into a good and a kind man,leave them alone,and enjoy your stay on earth without interfering in their karmas”,
“you are right devi”,said God,”from this day I will live my own life and I will let the human beings live their own lives”,

1 comment:

  1. Grt8 but not yet completed reading reading read let u know soon good stuff about life
